Friday, 11 November 2011

so where do we go from here?

after the ectopic (my precious Issabelle) were were left wondering what to do.
we tried for another year and then decided maybe this wasnt the way. so we started looking into adoption. i have always wanted to adopt but never thought under these circumstances. so we looked on nthe internet and we were invited to an open evening. we went full of hope that this was the begining of our adoption journey. we sat and listened and watched the faces or the other couples. it looked like it was a very tough road ahead but we were very willing. we sat down for an initial chat with the social worker and explained.....well out lives really. in short anyway.
she decided that at that particular time she didnt think i would be able to cope with the process because i was (and still am) on anti depressants (a topic for another post). basically she shot us down. i was so upset and so was the biker. he wont even talk about adoption as an option now.
so we then decided to see if there was anything wrong with either of us. we were both tested (bloods and semen) and nothing was found wrong there. so im booked for the scan/xray/dye thing in about 6 months time.
whilst i was convinced my remaining tube was blocked i started to think about other ways we could get the child we desperately longed for. so IVF was first thought of.
but how do we afford it?
egg share makes it very very cheap here in the UK
so we promised ourselves we would look into it as soon as i got my BMI down enough.
well you know what happened 5 weeks ago. our third loss and now we sre both a little bit lost
i want to go ahead with the egg share IVF but yet again the biker has reservations.

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